Organofluorine chemistry:
science, technologies, manufacture since 1987
Classes in catalog
More than 2000 items are presented in 12th edition of our “Catalog of fluorinated compounds”

Almost all products are produced only by us.

Directory search is performed by chemical name, class of compounds, Cas number, catalog number and molecular formula.

Download catalog:
Updated 27 March 2025
Additional information on terms of order and delivery:

The terms of delivery depend on product’s availability and complexity of execution of order.

The content of main substance in most cases is 97 % , if the purity requirements are not indicated in the order. We can also confirm our possibilities during correspondence.

Science and manufacturing are closely related in our company, so that the range of our products is being constantly increased.

Please contact us for additional information, if you couldn\’t find desired product or you have additional questions.